What is the first thing you teach in a beginner lesson?

Beginners are often new to taking dance lessons and may be very nervous about the class. First, introduce yourself and establish a connection with your students. Make a joke or ask a question to help students feel comfortable.  You want your beginners to be successful right away. I like to start with balboa rhythms first. I teach students quicks, slows, and gather steps. Students practice the footwork solo and moving around the room. Then, I have students try these rhythms with a partner. Discuss connection, but limit yourself to the most important points. You need to make sure you moderate your talk time with beginners and maximize practice. Finally, I have students get into two lines with followers on one side and leaders on the other. This helps visual learners see your footwork. I go through the basic pattern. Remember to explain the step in various ways to reach different types of learners – numbers, directional movement, connection points, etc. I make sure to teach both basics (“uphold” and “downhold”) so that students are able to take lessons without confusion from any instructor. Wrap up your class with a preview of what students will be learning the next class to get them excited about coming back.